Thanks to suggestions from users we’ve already made some big improvements to our new pre-book links feature, which was just released yesterday.
To summarize this feature, it allows you to enter a reservation internally and then provide a link to your guests that they can use to go to your Reservation Page to fill in their details and confirm the reservation. The room prices and rooms will already be selected.
The improvements are:
1.No longer necessary to create the complicated link yourself.
Easily access the various links from the “More” menu in the Reservation Details Screen.

2. The room(s) and dates will be pre-selected when the guest opens the link. All they need to do is fill out the Contact and Payment details
– This applies to all of our booking pages, except at this time, the hotel-style page
3. New merge codes to access the booking links.
– Build an email template using our new merge codes:
{{bookinglink}} – link to multiple units or single units page
{{bookinglink_calendar}} – link to calendar version page (if it exists as part of the reservation page specified to be used for the reservation).
– This makes it easy to create an “inquiry” reservation and then send off an email template which contains the link to the booking page.

The Reservation Page that will be used for the above links is the page that is set in the Reservation Page Settings as the one to be used internally,

one that you specify, if you have enabled the feature to be able to do so.
In the Settings tab, Preferences:

Future Enhancements
We are considering:
- any information typed into the guest details in the “inquiry” reservation will populate the contact form when the guest clicks through to the Reservation Page
- a way to be able to use this feature with reservations that block the calendar
- extending this functionality to hotel style pages
- a Copy button on the links box