We are happy to announce that our new internal user forum has been launched. This is a project that has been on our list of things to do for a long time, and now that we are approaching 1000 users, it seemed that the time is ripe for creating an internal forum.
It is our hope that this forum will allow our users to benefit from questions asked by other users, that users can talk directly to each other, and that users can feel free to help other users by responding to posts.
We (ReservationKey Support) will of course also be closely monitoring all the forum activity and will respond as well. It is still possible to message Support directly, but we may move the conversation to the forum if it seems to be something that other users may benefit from. It is our goal to move as much support traffic as possible to the forum and internal messaging system. This way the entire Reservation Community will benefit from the correspondence.
Of course we plan to introduce a number of additional features to the forum (such as search and conversation tagging), but we think the basic feature set is developed to the point where the forum can now be of real use.
Quick Walk Through
- click All to see all public forum posts, any private conversations you were a part of, plus any ReservationKey Announcements
- click Only Mine to see only conversations that you started or were a part of
- click Announcements to see only announcements from ReservationKey
Private messages will show the lock icon next to the title. We may move private messages to the forum at our discretion.
Click the conversation topic to open read the full message, read the responses, and to post your own response.