Reports – Detailed Descriptions

Name Description Select Units External Link
Availability Summary Calendar for all units with dates stretched horizontally; can select number of months to show; option to hide guest names and change colors. No Yes
Availability – Select Rooms #1 Calendar for all units; can select number of months to show; option to hide room numbers; very similar to Availability Summary report. Yes Yes
Availability – Select Rooms #2 Availability for all units in small square monthly calendars; can select number of months to show; option to hide room numbers, change color. Yes Yes
Availability – Select Rooms #3 Calendar for all units one month at a time; great for embedding in a website; can change color. Yes Yes
Housekeeping #1 List of rooms/units grouped into four sections: new arrivals, staying, departing, empty. Yes Yes
Housekeeping #2 All selected rooms/units listed in one grouping; additional column shows status (N – New; S – Staying; D – Dirty; E – Empty). Yes Yes
Occupancy #1 Listing by property of the percentage of the month each individual room/unit was occupied. Can adjust number of months to show. Yes Yes
Occupancy #2 One month at a time showing the following data for each room/unit selected: Stays, Nights Booked, Out of Service, Nights Total, Average Occupancy, Average Rate, Total Per Room. Yes Yes
Occupancy #3 (Daily) A graph showing visually the daily occupancy for a given date range (week, month, day, etc.). Properties Yes
Income & Expenses (All) A listing of all payments, as of the date of the payment, and also all expenses, as of the date of the expense. Can select how many months to show, grouped by month. Columns: ID #, Date, Amount, Category, Memo, Guest / Vendor, Checkin, Checkout. No Yes
Income (Itemized by Unit) Payments grouped by unit and month, select how many months to show. Columns: ID #, Date, Amount, Description, Guest / Vendor, Checkin, Checkout. Yes Yes
Income (Summarized by Unit) List of selected units for the given date range, showing, # Nights, Occupancy, Average Rate, Total Charge. Also graphs showing Room/Unit Charges and Number of Occupied Nights. Shows both ADR and RevPAR. Yes Yes
Yearly Income by Month Select a year and property to see monthly income. Columns: Units Per Day, Unit Days, Average Charge, Total Charge, Discounts, Fees, Items For Sale, Expenses, Taxes, Payments. Also graphs showing Room/Unit Charges, Payments, and Unit Days. No Properties
Income Comparison by Date Shows income for a given date range, compared to the same date range for all past years in which we have data. Columns: Date Range, Units Per Day, Unit Days, Average Charge, Total Charge, Discounts, Fees, Items For Sale, Expenses, Taxes, Payments. Also graphs showing Room/Unit Charges, Payments, and Unit Days. No Properties
Financial Reconciliation Search a date range and see payments grouped by type of payment. Columns: Payment Date, Reservation, Category, Memo, Card Info, Amount, Arrival, Status. Can also select categories and columns to include. Yes Properties
Payments By Date Select a date range and property to see all payments. Columns: Payment Date, Reservation, Category, Memo, Amount, Arrival, Status. Can also select categories and columns to include. Yes Properties
Booking Date Comparison Compare bookings for a period of one year, listed by month, between two different years. Columns: Month, Units Per Day, Unit Days, Average Charge, Total Charge. Also graphs showing Unit Days, Room/Unit Charges. Yes Yes
Expenses By Vendor Grouped by vendor for a selected date range. Yes Yes
Expenses By Category Grouped by category for a selected date range. Yes Yes
Expenses By Date List of expenses for selected date range. Columns: Date Paid, Reservation, Category, Vendor, Memo, Amount. Yes Yes
Expenses Totaled By Vendor Total expenses for each vendor, by date range searched. Yes Yes
Expenses By Reservation Sum of expenses listed for each reservation, for date range searched. Also can limit to a selected room/unit. Also shows most other financial details for each reservation: Reservation, Arrive, Depart, Rooms, – Discounts, + Fees, + Items for Sale, + Taxes, = Sub-Total, – Expenses, = Total, Payments. Yes Yes
Taxes – Revenue By Item Columns showing breakdown of tax by each type of tax in the system. Top group shows grand totals for eah section. Then line by line by reservation, grouped by each room/unit selected. Also separate groupings for Fees, Items, Rooms/Units, Discounts. Yes Yes
Taxes – Revenue By Type Columns showing breakdown of tax by each type of tax in the system. Top group shows grand totals for each section. Then line by line by reservation, grouped by all rooms/units selected. Yes Yes
Items For Sale Line item listings of each item bought for date range searched; grouped by items. Columns: Reservation, Status, Arrival, Departure, Item, Date, Amount. Yes Properties
Custom Field Responses For date range searched, lists responses to custom fields by each reservation. No No
Custom Fields Report List of reservations matching the exact response entered. For the date range and property searched. Yes Properties
Monthly/Yearly Statistics Graphs showing by day different statistics: All Payments Made, New Online Reservations, New Manually Entered Reservations, All New Reservations, Expenses, Gift Certificates Sold, Reservation Emails Sent/Scheduled, Scheduled Emails Sent/Scheduled, Reservations with Discounts. Click a day to drill down and get list of results for that day. No No
Guest History Shows the amount spent and number of nights stayed by guest, for a date range searched. Columns: Guest, Nights, Reservations, Adults, Children, Guest, Days, First Stayed, Last Stayed, Spent. Yes Yes
Arrival/Departures List of reservations arriving or departing, or both, for the date range and property searched. Columns: Room, Status, Arrive, Depart, Check-In, Nights, Adults, Children, Guest Name, Email, Phone, ID, Rooms, Fees, Paid, Balance, Contact Notes, Reservation Notes. Yes Yes
Owner’s Report Summary of income, expenses, commissions, for each unit. Can email it to owner addresses saved in the system. Select which columns to include, which custom fields, which expense categories, fees on which to include commission. Yes Yes