

Account References User Guide

1. Overview of Account Preferences

The Account Preferences section consists of four main areas of configuration:

    • Formatting: Includes date, time, currency, phone numbers, and tax methods.
    • Internal Availability Calendar: Includes settings for columns, size, default view, events bar, scroll bars, and alerts.
    • Reservation Details: Includes address fields, save functionality, email schedule, booking/payment page selection, rate plan link, custom contact form, and star ratings.

Additional Settings: Includes ID numbers, new reservation alert, reminders, tooltip help, and COVID-19 extra cleaning.

2. Formatting Settings

Here, you can adjust several formatting options for dates, times, currencies, phone numbers, and tax methods:

      • Date Format: Choose from the following formats:
        • Month-Day-Year
        • Day-Month-Year
        • Year-Month-Day
        You can also select a separator (slash, dash, or dot). Example formats: %mmmm %d, %yyyy (March 15, 2025).
      • Time Format: Choose a time format and rearrange letters. Example: %h:%mm %A (10:03 PM).
      • Currency Format: Adjust currency symbol placement and decimal settings (e.g., $1,234,567.89).
      • Phone Number Formatting: Choose from several formats, such as (xxx) xxx-xxxx, or no formatting at all.

Tax Method: Choose between “American” (tax added to charges) or “European” (VAT included).

3. Internal Availability Calendar

The Internal Availability Calendar settings affect the look and feel of the calendar. You can configure the following:

        • Show: Select what appears in the left and right columns, such as room names, room numbers, or both.
        • Calendar Size: Choose how many months to show (1 to 6 months) or specify a range of days before and after the current date.
        • Guest Names: Choose the order in which guest names appear (Last name, First name or First name, Last name).
        • Default View: Choose which units are displayed by default when the calendar loads (All rooms & fractions, rooms only, etc.).
        • Hidden Reservations: Option to show a small link for hidden reservations (useful for pending reservations).
        • Events Bar: Set whether or not to display an events bar at the top of the calendar.
        • Minimum Stay Numbers: Option to display minimum stay requirements for certain dates.
        • Tooltip Dates: Show small tooltip boxes with room/unit name when hovering over date boxes.
        • Scroll Bars: Choose where scrollbars should appear (Bottom only, Top only, Top & Bottom, or None).
        • Additional Date Bars: Select how often to show the date bar when scrolling.
        • Calendar Height & Width: Adjust the overall height of the calendar and the width of individual cells or the left column.
        • Font Size: Adjust the font size for calendar labels.
        • Context Menu: Choose whether to show reservation details with right-click or hover.
        • Separator Lines: Set how often separator lines appear between rows to help track units.
        • Rooms/Units per Page: Choose how many rooms are shown per page in the calendar.
        • Limit by Property/Room Type: Decide whether to show all units or limit by property or room type.

4. Reservation Details

In the Reservation Details section, you can manage the following options:

          • Address Fields: Customize the address fields used in the system.
          • Save Functionality: Set how information is saved and updated within reservations.
          • Email Schedule Selection: Choose when emails are sent during the booking process.
          • Booking & Payment Page Selection: Choose the default booking and payment page.
          • Change Rate Plan Link: Enable a link to change the rate plan within the reservation.
          • Customize Contact Form: Customize the contact form that users fill out during booking.
          • Star Ratings: Manage the star ratings displayed in the system.

5. Additional Settings

The Additional Settings section provides options for managing unique configurations:

            • ID Numbers: Set rules for generating unique ID numbers for reservations or users.
            • New Reservation Alert: Enable notifications when a new reservation is made.
            • Reminders: Set up reminder notifications for important tasks.
            • Tooltip Help: Toggle tooltip help on various features of the system.
            • COVID-19 Extra Cleaning: Option to add extra cleaning fees or guidelines due to COVID-19 protocols.

What are some combinations for different date and time formats?

Long date: %mmmm %d, %yyyy (January 31, 2011)
Short date: %m/%d/%yyyy (1/31/2011)
Time: %h:%mm %A (11:34 PM)

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How do I change the row height and font size for my internal availability calendar?

In the preferences area you will find settings to adjust the row height and font size. You may have to make adjustments in order to get the rows to align correctly with the property names. The row height and font size adjustments apply to your availability calendar in the reservation manager.

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Is it possible to hide the tooltip help icons?

If you do not wish to see the tool-tip help icons, you may hide the icons in the preferences section.

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How do I adjust the left column of the internal availability calendar?

You can adjust how wide the column is, how many characters show in that column, and whether room name or room number or both is displayed. You will find these settings in the Availability Calendar section of Preferences.

Reservation calendar preferences

Here is an example of showing only room numbers:

Reservation room numbers

And here is an example of both room numbers and names, limited to 12 characters:

Reservation calendar room number

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