Reservation Status


Status Labels User Guide

1. Overview of Status Labels

This section of the settings tab allows you to create and manage status labels for reservations. These labels can be customized with different colors and settings. Some common status labels include:

  • Confirmed
  • Canceled
  • Checked In
  • Checked Out
  • Awaiting Payment
  • Waiting List

Each status has several settings that determine how the system behaves when a reservation is assigned that particular status. Below is a summary of these settings:

2. Status Settings

Each status label can be configured with various options that affect how the system behaves. Here is a list of available settings:

    • 1 – Calendar Not Blocked: Reservations set to this status will not block dates on the availability calendar.
    • 2 – Skip Auto Emails: Reservations set to this status will skip sending any automatic emails associated with the reservation.
    • 3 – Exclude From Reports: Reservations set to this status will not appear in reports (other than calendar reports).
    • 4 – Default: This status will be used as the default status for new reservations. Only one default status can be set per account.
    • 5 – After Online Payment: Reservations will change to this status once an online payment is made via a public reservation page. Only one status can be set for online payments per account.
    • 6 – After Internal Payment: Reservations will change to this status once a payment is manually entered internally in the reservation details section. Only one status can be set for internal payments per account.
    • 7 – Room Blocked: This status is used for dates that are set as unavailable. The label will appear on the calendar for dates set to this status. Only one status can be set for room blocking per account.
    • 8 – Room Held: Use this status for group holds on rooms/units. Adding `/h|yourcodehere` to reservation page URLs allows held rooms to be booked by groups. This status helps make it easy for groups to book preselected dates and rooms.
    • 9 – Clear Rates: This status will set rooms, discounts, and taxes to zero when applied. (Used for internal purposes only, and does not affect items like fees, payments, and authorizations.)
    • 10 – When Zero Balance: If the reservation balance reaches zero after a payment is made, this status can be automatically applied. Only one status can be set for zero balance reservations per account.
    • 11 – Exclude from iCal Export: A reservation set to this status will not be included in the iCal export file.
    • 12 – Timed Hold (Change Status After X Hours): This status can be used for reservations that should change to another status after a set number of hours or days. For example, a reservation could automatically be canceled if the guest has not paid within a specific time frame.

3. How to Create and Manage Status Labels

To create or modify a status label, follow these steps:

      1. Navigate to the settings tab and find the section for “Status Labels”.
      2. Click on the “Add New Status” button to create a new label, or click on an existing status to modify it.
      3. Set the desired label name and color for the status. You can also configure the available settings listed above for that particular status.

Ensure that you save your changes after creating or modifying a status label.

4. Notes and Considerations

Here are a few important considerations when working with status labels:

        • Default Status: Remember, you can only have one “Default” status per account, so choose wisely which status will be set as the default.
        • Room Blocking: Only one status label can be used for room blocking, so ensure that the label is set up for your needs.
        • Automatic Status Changes: The statuses for “After Online Payment”, “After Internal Payment”, and “When Zero Balance” can only be used one per account. Be sure to set them up according to your process flow.

What are reservation status options for?

Status settings are used to differentiate reservtions. You can set a status for new reservations to default to, as well as a status for the reservation to automatically change to after a certain triggering event.

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How do I change a status to a new color after a payment has been made?

Under the options for reservations status check the box labeled “change to this status as soon as a reservation has been made.”

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How do I rearrange the order my status options appear?

The order that your reservation status options up here depends on the sort order settings. Change your short order settings to change the order of your options.

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