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Rate Plans   Tour
How do rate plans set my room rates?

Once you have added the rate plan to the system then you may link that rate plan with a room.

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How many rate rules can be added per rate plan?

You may add as many rate rules as needed for your reach rule the number of rate rules you will need depends on how many times your rates change throughout the year. For example, if you have different rates for summer vs. the rest of the year, you would have to rate rules. Her you would have one rule for summer and one rule covering the remainder of the year.

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Is it possible to duplicate rate plans for subsequent years?

Use the duplicate in the rate plan section to quickly added additional rules based on existing rules.

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Can I set different rates for each day of the week?

In each rate the rule you have the option to set a different price for each day of the week.

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Is it possible to set a base occupancy and adjust reservation price for exta guests over base occupancy level?

In the reservation rule edit screen you set what the base occupancy is and then you can set what the price per guest should be either if the total occupancy is greater than or less than the base occupancy.

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How does the discount section work?

You may offer up to three based upon number of days reserved. These discounts are cumulative. For example, you may set one discount are reserved. You may then set another discount to reduce the price after 30 days are reserved. The total discount would be the seven day discount plus the 30 day discount.

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Can I set minimum stay policies as part of a rate plan?

Yes. In each rate rule you can set what the minimum stay should be for the dates spanning that rate rule. The minimum stay required will be the largest number of days required of the rooms/units selected, for the individual day that has the longest minimum stay required.

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