Just a quick note to say Happy New Year to all of our great clients! Thank you very much for using our software and supporting our business. We have had a great year in 2012, started working with a lot of new users, and are looking forward to a strong 2013. As always, we continue to grow thanks to your referrals and ideas. Many of our best features were thought of by users. Just skimming through the blog and these internal messages, shows how much changed in 2012. And we have lots more ideas for 2013.
Again, thank you for being a ReservationKey client, and have a great 2013!

(on the job, at a client meeting in Mexico)
And now, the new features list…
We’ve added a new report, this one called, Custom Fields Report. It is currently the third one from the bottom of the list of reports. It is a great way to create a list of reservations based on answers to custom fields. First, select the custom field, then select the answer (if a dropdown type) or enter your search criteria.

Over in the Gift Certificates section, we’ve added the ability to edit existing certificates. Also, when editing, there is now an option to send (or resend) the confirmation message to the buyer.