About Us
Our Purpose: ReservationKey was started in 2007 in order to provide a simple, yet powerful and economical way to display availability online and manage reservations. We were tired of seeing so many software solutions that were difficult to use, overly complicated, too expensive, and did not do what we needed. It was time to set the bar a little higher. Our goal is to provide quality software that does exactly what our users need and want at a very affordable price.
We Listen: We believe that companies are successful not only by providing a solid product, but by remembering that the reason they are in existence is to serve their clients. This is why we put an extremely high priority on customer service and being responsive to our clients. At ReservationKey each client is treated like our only client, with as much individual attention needed for our client to get the most out of our service.
Our People: Our staff is dedicated to continually building a stronger and better product and being responsive to our clients.